Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Recipe #29: Cream Cheese Crockpot Chicken

Source:  Pinterest via


Bag of frozen chicken breast tenderloins (2.5-3 lb. bag)
8 ounce block cream cheese
1 can of black beans, drained and rinsed
1 can of corn, drained
1 can of Rotel


Put frozen chicken in the crock pot.  Put cream cheese on top of chicken. Dump in black beans, corn and Rotel.

Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours.  Sit every 2 hours, if you can.

Shred chicken and return to pot.




I also apparently did not take any pictures of this. Sorry!  Look on Pinterest - there are quite a few variations of this on there and the pictures you'll see are what mine turned out like.  (I love it when something turns out exactly like the picture!)

This was very good.  It was pretty soupy, which I wasn't expecting.  I served it over rice.  There are recipes that will say you could mix the rice in and use it as burrito filling, but I think you'd have to use a lot of rice to make it the right consistency.


Special Ingredients Needed: None
Ease of Preparation: Easy. Crockpot.
Taste:  Very good. You could maybe add some taco seasoning to spice it up if you wanted, but we thought it was good without it.
Overall:  7 out of 10

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